Tonight's dinner wouldn't be possible if not for the willful and determined mind of Moja who stuck with her text vigils to Madz in order to get her out of her hiding place. Lo and behold for Madz did show up; thus I bow unto Moja for her effective tactics which I might replicate come next get together. Too bad Eskimo Baby didn't get to attend. But am hopeful that there will be a next time when everyone would be there.
Anyhow, Moja and Mon went ahead to save us a table at Congo Grille and pre-ordered our meals for us. Madz arrived around 5 minutes before I did [curse the stoooopid traffic]. When I got there, it was like all inhibitions lost. For when I am with people I love and trust, I can just let myself go and worry not of what goes around or how I should act accordingly. We multitasked by chitchatting and spooning stuffs into our mouths at the same time. Madz kept piling sisig on my plate which I had to moticulously separate the onions. I didn't get to finish my rice coz the chicken fingers was filling up on me. Afterwards, Mon was designated as the photographer, allowing ourselves to indulge in camwhoring.

We were saving the dessert part for later while we went around Landmark so I could show Moja em booties. She loffed them. Unfortunately, no more sizes. WTF. In grief, we headed to the cinemas to see Angels and Demons. But gawd, Sold Out Tickets for 3 Cinemas! Tsk. Tsk. Am giving a mental applause to Dan Brown already. Anyway, the cookie store near Anson's was already closed when we got there. Another tsk tsk. We were suppose to stick around further but every store was closing down and Madz had to fetch her folks who were arriving from Lucena. I did a last few shots with Moja before I bid the Monalisa couple goodbye.

Till the next blogspam!
Special thanks to: Monalisa [ = Mon + Melissa]
loff ^_^ cheers to great friends and more dinners :)
i say salu to that!
and yeah, more dinners!
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